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Living with a Bipolar Spouse: Understanding and Coping

It may seem like a constant back and forth struggle, but it is so much more to each individual suffering. Bipolar disorder may be a challenging condition, but you can effectively manage it and lead a full, healthy life. While the relationship between caffeine and bipolar disorder isn’t entirely clear, this 2020 review suggests it might lead to manic symptoms. Forgetting to take your meds is common for everyone, whether living with bipolar disorder or another health condition.

Living with a bipolar spouse is undoubtedly a unique journey, but with knowledge, understanding, and support, it is possible to navigate the challenges and find strength in your relationship. Let’s embark on this journey together and discover the keys to living a fulfilling life with a bipolar spouse. Regardless of the blurred nights and the draining hangovers leading to mixed intensified feelings once the alcohol leaves the body, many bipolar individuals still choose to drink. For some, the relaxed feelings and the heightened mania far outweigh the negative effect alcohol has on the mood. A mixed state of mind often occurs in this type of disorder with intense feelings of euphoria or excitement. Only this stage of happiness deteriorates as it is followed by extreme sadness and a bountiful sense of depression.

  1. Creating healthy patterns within a relationship is essential when one partner is bipolar.
  2. But, with the right support and resources, it is possible to help your loved one manage their condition and live a healthier and more fulfilling life.
  3. However, recent preliminary evidence suggests that liver enzymes do not dramatically increase in alcoholic patients who are receiving valproate, even if they are actively drinking (Sonne and Brady 1999a).
  4. Living with a bipolar alcoholic can be a difficult and challenging experience.
  5. Available research on the use of lithium, valproate, and naltrexone for comorbid patients is reviewed below.

Therefore, healthcare providers should conduct a thorough evaluation to determine how to treat each person based on their diagnosis and symptoms. In certain cases, psychosis with delusions or hallucinations can occur in people with bipolar disorder. Still, alcoholic patients going through alcohol withdrawal may appear to have depression.

Establishing clear boundaries is crucial when living with a bipolar alcoholic spouse. Communicate your limits, express your concerns, and establish expectations regarding sobriety and treatment adherence. Enforce these boundaries consistently and seek professional guidance, such as couples therapy or interventions, if the situation becomes unmanageable or unsafe. Establish consistent routines for daily activities, such as mealtimes, exercise, and sleep, as this can help regulate moods and provide a sense of predictability.

Treating Both Bipolar Disorder and Alcohol Use Disorder Is Essential.

But the more someone resists the diagnosis, the longer treatment can be delayed. Combining alcohol with mood stabilizers is not recommended, as the interactions can cause increased drowsiness, memory issues, impaired judgment, or liver problems. Medications for anxiety, antidepressants, anticonvulsants used as mood stabilizers, mood stabilizers, and antipsychotics may interact with alcohol. This section examines some of the issues to consider in treating comorbid patients, and a subsequent section reviews pharmacologic and psychotherapeutic treatment approaches. To identify AUD, your doctor will ask you a series of questions about your habits and your body’s reactions to drinking. Being able to recognize these signs can help family and friends provide support and intervene when necessary.

Treating Bipolar Disorder and Alcohol Addiction

Some studies have evaluated the effects of valproate, lithium, and naltrexone, as well as psychosocial interventions, in treating alcoholic bipolar patients, but further research is needed. Supporting someone with bipolar disorder and alcoholism can be challenging. It is important to be patient and understanding and to offer unconditional love and support. Let them know that you are there for them and that it is okay to ask for help. Encourage them to seek professional help and explore different treatment options with them.

Treatment for Bipolar Disorder and Alcohol Use Disorder Can Be Effective.

Additionally, excessive drinking can put a strain on the relationship and create additional conflict. It is important to remember that alcoholism the first step of recovery is a mental health issue and should be treated as such. For some individuals with bipolar disorder alcohol and drugs can become a temptation.

Several Factors Explain the Link Between Bipolar Disorder and Alcohol Misuse.

People with bipolar II disorder often enjoy being hypomanic (due to elevated mood and inflated self-esteem) and are more likely to seek treatment during a depressive episode than a manic episode. In the conclusion, we will revisit the importance of self-care and seeking support, and provide resources for couples facing bipolar disorder. This suggests that bipolar patients may use alcohol primarily as a means to medicate their affective symptoms, and if their bipolar symptoms are adequately treated, they are able to stop abusing alcohol. Hasin and colleagues (1989) found that patients with bipolar II disorder were likely to have an earlier remission from alcoholism compared with patients with schizoaffective disorder or bipolar I disorder.

It affects approximately 2.6% of the adult population in the United States alone. Psychosocial interventions have often been considered the mainstays of treatment for alcoholism and other substance use disorders. Several studies have demonstrated success with cognitive behavioral therapy in treating alcoholism (Project MATCH Research Group 1998). Many of the principles of cognitive behavioral therapy are commonly applied in the treatment of both mood disorders and alcoholism.

Bipolar disorder affects approximately 1 to 2 percent of the population and often starts in early adulthood. Just like type 1 to diagnose type 2 a depressive episode is necessary for the diagnosis of the condition, followed by one episode of hypomania. Hypomania is a lesser form of mania, although not as dangerous, it still interferes with life, and puts the person with type 2 bipolar disorder at risk for alcohol abuse. Struggling with both bipolar disorder and alcohol addiction is not an easy path to take, yet those who suffer from both don’t have a choice in the matter. The first step to developing an effective treatment strategy is to create a comprehensive and integrated treatment plan. Our programs are designed to provide individualized care that meets your unique needs.

Professional help from a psychiatrist and/or addiction specialist can be instrumental in helping to manage symptoms and develop healthy coping strategies. Lithium has been the standard treatment for bipolar disorder for several decades. Unfortunately, several studies have reported that substance abuse is a predictor of poor response of bipolar disorder to lithium. More specifically, as stated previously, compared to non-substance abusers, alcoholics appear to be at greater risk for developing mixed mania and rapid cycling. Researchers have found that patients with mixed mania respond less well to lithium than patients with the nonmixed form of the disorder (Prien et al. 1988).

This suggests that lithium may not be the best choice for a substance-abusing bipolar patient. This suggests that lithium may be a good choice for adolescent substance abusers. The presence of bipolar subtypes was not addressed in this study, so it is not clear if these adolescents had the subtypes of bipolar illness that are more difficult to treat. While they are complex and impact every area of a person’s life, most mental illnesses and alcohol addiction are treatable conditions.
